The Engineering Works Trade Fair, Nordic Welding Expo and 3D & New Materials postponed until next autumn
News 27.01.2022
The professional fair of the metal industry’s Engineering Works, the largest welding-themed fair in the Nordic countries, Nordic Welding Expo and the 3D & New Materials fair will be held between November 29−December 1, 2022 at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre. This series of events was to take place in late March. Tampere Trade Fairs Group decided to postpone the fairs after mapping the new schedules with the exhibitors.
Under the current pandemic situation, the Tampere Trade Fairs Group has made the decision to postpone the three fairs, Engineering Works, Nordic Welding Expo, and 3D & New Materials, to late November – early December. A survey was sent to the exhibitors regarding the new dates, and November 29−December 1, 2022 was clearly the most popular option. The exhibition committee confirmed the exhibitors’ view.
− Postponing the fairs under the current pandemic situation is unavoidable, March is quickly approaching, and we need to start preparations for the machinery and equipment presented at the fairs well in advance. Similarly, designing the stands and ordering the required structures would need to be completed very soon. As to the Engineering Works Trade Fair’s customers, we need to take into account that the engineering workshops’ order books are very full, and any additional disruptions would present their production with increased challenges. Based on the survey results, Tampere Trade Fairs ended up with the sensible decision of putting off the fairs until close to the end of 2022. The fairs’ significance as a major event has become even greater in the past few years in the wake of all the webinars and remote meetings. Some discussions are much more natural face-to-face, and the positive buzz created at the event just can’t be beat, summarises Petri Järvinen, CEO for Cron-Tek Oy.
− It’s wonderful to see the event taking place this year. We believe that people are really looking forward to actually meeting one another, and we expect both welding and industry professionals to arrive in force, eager to take part in this unique event later this year, says Office Manager Angelica Emeléus from the Welding Society of Finland.
− I believe that late November will be an excellent time for the fairs. Companies have set their budgets and operational plans for the following year, and are thus planning their next investments, says Kemppi Oy’s Sales Manager Aarno Laine.
− Postponing the fairs was totally the right decision. We can assume that by late November – early December the restrictions will have been lifted and events can be arranged normally in every way. This is a big deal for exhibitors, and we hope to see a great number of visitors to the event. Some of the best results at these events come from creating contacts and discussing topical issues. We are also looking forward to the seminars as they are a significant part of the fair experience, says Erkki Lehtonen, CEO for the Lehtosen Konepaja Oy – a veteran participant company to the Engineering Works fair.
The most advanced machinery, modern workshops and smart investments
The Engineering Works Trade Fair is geared at machinery and equipment investment decision-makers, and it showcases the latest equipment, the most efficient machines, and the most advanced technologies. Nordic Welding Expo is the biggest Nordic professional trade fair for welding, joining, and cutting. It provides a representative cross section of the field’s new products and innovations. The themes for 2022 of Engineering Works and Nordic Welding Expo include the most advanced machinery, modern workshop, and smart investments. The new 3D & New Materials event offers printing all the way from initial total design to the end product as well as the latest materials solutions for the manufacturing industry.
− Our warmest thanks to all our partners for their commitment to the event. We are truly excited about the three fairs, and bid a hearty welcome to everyone joining our series of events next autumn, says Project Manager Tuija Sievola from the Tampere Trade Fairs Group.
At the same time, on Wednesday November 30, 2022, the new Hallituspaikka event will be organised for companies and board experts.
New dates for Tampere Trade Fairs events that are postponed from spring 2022: DigITre & TSCW: June 14–15, 2022, Engineering Works Trade Fair, Nordic Welding Expo and 3D & New Materials: November 29–December 1, 2022, Hallituspaikka: November 30, 2022, Asta: February 3–5, 2023 and Tampere Wedding Exhibition: February 4–5, 2023.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: konepajamessut.fi/en/ nordicweldingexpo.fi/en/ 3dnewmaterials.fi/en/ #Konepaja #NordicWeldingExpo #3DNewMaterials
Tampere Trade Fairs Group, tampereenmessut.fi/en/ firstname.lastname@tampereenmessut.fi
Tuija Sievola, Project Manager, Engineering Works (Konepaja) and Nordic Welding Expo, +358 40 560 7009
Sami Siurola, Project Manager, 3D & New Materials, +358 40 734 3589
Sirkka Laine, Communications Specialist, +358 40 612 9081